Merry Christmas 2015

English: A Christmas Tree at Home
English: A Christmas Tree at Home (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I am 49, not feeling very "in the Spirit of the holidays" for Christmas in 2015.  Maybe it's my age.  My kittens prevented me from putting up a Christmas tree, well worth it, Love them both.  Andy and Barney 11 months old. 
I worked 9-3 cutting hair and on Christmas Eve it was busy, did not expecte it but was happy the day flew by!
My treat was going to get my nails done, such a blessing. 
I am exhausted.  I am an Intelligent person who needs to read to feel more energy inside my body and brain. Here is my last 2015 Book Review via request by Author Break Through your BS
Uncover your brain's blind spots and unleash your inner greatness
By Derek Doepker

Have you ever recognized that, at least in some area of life, you don’t like “what is” and this got you thinking about “what could be?”  I would say this is a self-help book that will engages your mind, energize your spirit and is better than therapy which entirely changes your life. “This is a book about your Choices.”  This means we all have been programmed and will now have to fight our old beliefs, to realize the changes to be made that give us our right to make choices in the areas we need to or that need changing from the old limited thinking ways.  In 2015 many of us have had to make hard decisions on areas of our life’s  or example, staying at a job we hate because the money is good, or changing jobs to do something that brings in less money but more value and overall a health savour, including myself!  Derek Doepker gives examples of there’s an element of “this is good, that is bad.”
It’s not what you know that matters, it’s what you do with what you know that counts.
Wisdom isn’t just about knowing what to do, it’s also about knowing what to ignore.
Breakthroughs don't usually come from looking at new ideas. They more often come from looking at old ideas in a new way.
Knowledge is understanding what’s possible. Wisdom is understanding how to apply those possibilities effectively.
Pride is the ultimate impediment to reaching your potential.
Rather than looking at something you already know and dismissing it because you have awareness of the concept, you can now see that you have a choice here to start digging deeper into what you may not know around a concept by considering these things:
Am I actually doing this thing I know?  How could I do it better?  Am I doing it the best way or the right way?  Am I doing it at the right time? What about at the wrong time?  Was this once a good idea, or is it no longer serving me?  Why am I doing this? Is that a good reason?  How can I remember to do this when I need to?  How can I remember not to do this when I don’t need to?  Is there an easier way of doing this?  Who can show me new ways of approaching this? What is an area of life that you’ve gotten complacent in? How can you do this even better?  This book is packed with information and resources to help you change the way you think in order to bring true changes in any of your area of life you wish to stop “bull shit” from stopping you get to where you want to go.  It is motivational and inspirational.  I loved the book and the cover, the name and the way the author expressed his side of his options to gain a new perspective on how to change my own ways of thinking.  This is the second book I have read from this author and the first one is “Why You Are Stuck.”  My advice is to read more books, and step away from the television, game, or other distractions to get back to doing what is more important. © 2015 Jackie Paulson

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